SEO Strategy All Wrong

Are You Thinking About Your SEO Strategy All Wrong?

Optimizing for search engine discoverability, also known as SEO, has so many factors. It’s more than just keyword integration or link building: a successful SEO strategy involves deliberate and strategic content creation that works to promote your business.

We live in the fast-paced digital age, and, from consumers to CEOs, everyone wants fast solutions to their problems. Unfortunately, SEO integration is one business tactic that doesn’t necessarily bring in traffic quickly.

If you want to integrate an effective SEO strategy, you’ll have to adjust the way you think about it. So how should you break down the elements of your optimization?


Start Small

Instead of conducting a site-wide overhaul, SEO integration works most effectively when it’s done in small steps.

Try removing the dates from your URLs and changing the size of your headers so they’re more mobile-compatible. These are minor changes, but they can attract the attention of Google’s crawlers and get your content re-indexed.

Recently audited your platform or gotten the advice of a third party? Integrate your recommended SEO changes slowly. You won’t see an immediate uptick in your traffic—SEO is, after all, a long game—but in time, you’ll see Google start to index adjusted content in your favor.


Don’t Duplicate Your Content

If you create multiple platforms, you’ll have a better chance of gaming Google’s crawlers, right?

Wrong. Websites owned by the same individual that share content only confuse the crawlers and make content indexing more difficult. When you consolidate your content onto one platform, you lessen your site maintenance and make it easier for Google to read through your work.

You can even take Google itself as a prime example: When Alphabet revamped Google Retail, eliminating six platforms and focusing instead on one, it saw a 64 percent increase in organic traffic.


Don’t Seek Easy Solutions

When it comes to SEO integration, the last thing you want to do is try to find easy and quick solutions to your platform’s troubles. If a site such as Google Search Console informs you that your platform loads too slowly, for example, don’t eradicate all your large-form content to speed up your site’s processing. Likewise, if you feel your platform isn’t getting enough traffic, don’t keyword stuff your work.


SEO takes time and careful integration to work effectively. So, yes, if your site loads too slowly, try ridding your platform of some of its unnecessary metadata. If you want to better use your keywords, do your research and integrate new phrases slowly.

If you rid yourself of strong content or keyword stuff, instead, you’ll find that Google penalizes you on SERPs instead of rewarding you.


Emphasize Your Strong Content

Finally, be sure that you list your strongest content on your platform’s home page. This self-celebration will boost the CTR of this content while also improving your SERP ranking, in time.

As a bonus, your home-page content is the easiest to find, meaning that more consumers will interact with your strongest elements. That boosted interaction leads to a re-evaluation by Google’s crawlers and slow SEO success.

More importantly, though, is this: Visibility and SEO go hand-in-hand, so emphasizing one will emphasize the other.

How have you been thinking about SEO? If you thought it was a speed race, think again. You can’t expect SEO solutions to work instantaneously—but you can expect them to work. The best SEO strategy focuses on the long game, small changes, and deliberate architectural decisions.

Stay off of easy street and be patient, and you’ll see your platform prosper.



Is your company in need of help with SEO? MV3 Marketing Agency has numerous Marketing experts ready to assist you. Contact MV3 Marketing to jump-start your business.

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