MOFU: Move Over for Funnels!
This piece is the second segment in our 3-part series on B2B sales funnels. For Part 1, click here.
A content marketing campaign is only as powerful as its results. While many B2B campaigns are effective enough to garner initial interest from an audience, this interest is slow to result in sales.
A top-funnel advertising campaign needs a strong MOFU follow-up to ensure that your business sees a greater windfall.
Wait—what’s MOFU marketing?
MOFU in Context
You can categorize your marketing campaigns in three different ways, including:
- TOFU: Top-funnel advertising campaigns, which are designed to draw audiences to your platform and product
- MOFU: Middle-funnel advertising campaigns, meant to appeal to specific groups within that broad audience that has expressed interest in your product
- BOFU: Bottom-funnel advertising campaigns that focus on encouraging those specific groups or individuals to follow through on their interests and make a purchase
If you’ve found an interested audience but still aren’t seeing successful sales, then you’ll want to step up your mid-funnel game. Take note, though: the B2B approach and B2C approach to funnels aren’t the same.
As a B2B company, you’ll rely most heavily upon mid-funnel marketing to see advertising success. This stage of the campaign nurtures the strongest relationships between two businesses.
In B2C, this stage of the funnel builds and controls the relationship between consumer audiences and your business. Because this relationship isn’t a peer relationship, B2C MOFU advertising campaigns need to take on a more authoritative role than B2B companies.
Before diving into your funnels, ensure you know the right trajectory for your business goals.
Why Bother?
So—why break your advertising campaigns into stages? Doesn’t that just create more work?
Well, sure. But you already know the financial benefit of multi-staged funnel campaigns: focusing on interested consumers will generate greater business sales.
When you break down your advertising campaigns, you also lower your overall business costs. In addition, businesses that build strong MOFU campaigns can see an increase in sales at 33 percent less cost, which is an enticing figure. Additional revenue partnered with lower operating costs means more money for your business in the end.
Building Your MOFU Campaign
There are different ways to start building a strong mid-funnel campaign. The best news is, MOFU advertising gives you a lot of options. These include:
- How-to content
- Review blogs
- Data sheets
- Webinars/Online videos
Use this content to educate your interested audience on the value of your product. Show your audience through this campaign that your product can solve their problems through the use of data.
MOFU campaigns also allow you to differentiate your product from others like it, personalizing it and its uses for your consumer audience.
Basically, a strong beginning is nothing without advertising follow-through. Middle-funnel advertising campaigns can help you narrow the audience that your lead-generating campaigns draw in—and transform that interest into tangible sales.
Is your company in need of help with MOFU Campaigns? MV3 Marketing Agency has numerous Marketing experts ready to assist you. Contact MV3 Marketing to jump-start your business.
Image attribution: TDHster –