Funnel Hacker

What is a Funnel Hacker?

Funnel Hacker – A Funnel Hacker is one who researches and investigates their competitor’s sales & marketing process to learn, model and test your own sales & marketing processes.

Here comes the fun part. We’re going to show you exactly how to funnel hack the competition.

Step #1: Research

Do not skip this part and go straight to building a funnel you think will work.

Proper research will give you the clarity you’ll need to make the right decisions to move your business forward.

Got it? Good.

Many marketers have spent countless hours with nothing to show and I don’t want you to go through that.

Let’s hop into our research…

Define Who You’re Speaking To.

To do that you’ll need to create a customer avatar to REALLY know your target market.

You’ve probably heard of this exercise before and that’s because it’s a super important one.

The better you know your target market, the more people you’ll connect with, the more repeat buyers you’ll create and the more revenue you’ll generate…

Answer these questions to create your Customer Avatar.
Quick Tip: It’s best to create a few different avatars

  1. Are they Female, Male, both?
  2. What’s their name?
  3. What’s their education level?
  4. What is their occupation?
  5. What’s their job title?
  6. Where do they live?
  7. How much money do they make?
  8. Do they have any kids?

Make it super easy on yourself and get a name/ face from As the name suggests, the site will generate a random face and name for you to use in building your customer avatar for FREE.

After you have your basic questions finished, it’s time to dive a little deeper.


List out all the things your avatar might be interested in, so you know exactly where they’re hanging out and what kind of information they’re consuming. (min 3 of each)

  • Gurus/ Influencers
  • Books
  • Blogs/ Websites
  • Facebook Groups
  • Forums
  • YouTube Channels
  • Instagram Accounts
  • Podcasts
  • Conferences

Now it’s time to list out all your customer’s pain points and challenges they might be facing. What keeps your customers up at night?

  1. What is the biggest challenge they’re currently facing?
  2. What happens if they don’t do anything about the pain?
  3. What’s the thing keeping them from relieving the pain?
  4. Why haven’t they been able to solve this problem?

Gain Clarity on The Whys

To really drill down deep, I recommend using the Six Sigma principle of going 5 why’s deep into each one of your customer’s pain-points/challenges.

“By repeatedly asking the question “Why” (five is a good rule of thumb), you can peel away the layers of symptoms which can lead to the root cause of a problem. Very often the ostensible reason for a problem will lead you to another question.”

Seek to gain absolute clarity with WHO you’re selling to and WHY you have the solution.

Learn from Your Competitors

Map out the big players in your industry that have a strong online presence. Remember, we’re looking to see what products/services they are selling and marketing heavily online.

Create two separate lists of all your competition:

Direct Competitors 
Direct competition is a situation in which two or more businesses offer products or services that are essentially the same; as such, the businesses are competing for the same potential market.

Microsoft and Apple would be an example of direct competitors because they sell similar products to a similar customer base.

Indirect Competitors
Indirect competition is the conflict between vendors whose products or services are not the same but that could satisfy the same consumer need.

This type of competition takes a little more thought to identify. A good example of an Indirect Competitor would be group fitness classes vs 1-on-1 personal training sessions. They have direct competition on the problem they solve (helping people get in better shape), but indirect competition because they serve different markets. People who prefer 1-on-1 training vs. people who prefer group exercise.


Is your company in need of help? MV3 Marketing Agency has numerous Marketing experts ready to assist you. Contact MV3 Marketing to jump-start your business.

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